Tan Tan Miso Hotpot

This mildly spicy, savoury, creamy hotpot packed with vegetables provides the ultimate slow dinner enjoyment and nourishment after a hectic day’s work. INGREDIENTS1 bag beansprouts1/2 head cabbage1 block tofu150g minced pork150ml oat/adjusted soy milk2 bunches mung bean noodles sprinkle of sesame seeds BROTH2.5 tbsp miso paste2.5tbsp chilli oil0.5 tbsp chicken stock350ml watermix well together MINCED…

Buttery Miso Hotpot

If you enjoy miso soup, this is an elevated hotpot version that combines the umami of miso with the velvety richness of butter. Ingredients are simple and you can easily put this together in no time at all! INGREDIENTS300g thinly sliced pork belly2 potatoes, chopped in chunks 1/3 cabbage, chopped2 tbsp miso1 tbsp butter2 bunches…

Super Easy Japanese Hot Pot

On days where you feel under the weather or want something light on the tummy in between all the feasting, consider preparing this extremely easy Japanese hot pot. INGREDIENTS 2 cups bonito flakes 4 cups water4 tbsp sake1/4 wombok, sliced into smaller pieces1 packet shimeji mushrooms, cut and discard bottom10 – 12 slices pork belly,…

Japanese Miso Hot Pot

Communal hotpot dining means you get a chance to really catch up with people over a comforting, steaming hot broth while waiting for your favourite ingredients to cook. It is also a great way to clear your fridge of various ingredients at once. Instead of buying a broth off the shelf, why don’t you try…

Lamb Hotpot

While hotpot restaurants are a dime a dozen around us, we really prefer having this simmering pot of stock and our preferred ingredients at home. There are times where we prepare our own clean tasting stock, but an easier alternative is packaged soup. A favourite of ours is Chuan Yang Ji’s Spicy Lamb Spine Bone…

Lamb Collagen Hotpot

Hotpot is an amazingly versatile one-pot meal that has so many soup broth variations, all of which can be customised with whatever ingredients you fancy, there is no way anything can go wrong with it. To date, we do not know of anyone who isn’t fond of this simmering pot of goodness. While eating out…